References - All-Consuming Passion:
Waking up from the American Dream
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1. Paul L. Wachtel, "The Case Against Growth," New Age Journal,
November/December 1988, p.23.
2. Alan Durning, "Asking How Much is Enough," in Lester R. Brown et al,
State of the World 1991 (New York: W.W. Norton and Co. Inc., 1001,) p 156.
3. Alan L. Otten, "Young Adults Now Are More Pessimistic," Wall Street
Journal, September 27, 1993.
4. John Cunniff, "Would You Believe These Are the Good Old Days?", Seattle
Times, September 19, 1993.
5. Social Problems on Rise, U.S. `Health Check' Shows," Seattle Post-
Intelligencer, January 14, 1992.
6. Barbara Benham, "Why Have We Lost Confidence?", Investor's Business
Daily, June 12, 1992.
7. Alan Thein Durning, How Much is Enough? The Consumer Society and the
Future of the Earth (New York: W.W. Norton & Co, Inc, 1992), p 23.
8. Durning, see note #2, p. 154.
9. Durning, see note #7, p. 84.
10. "Eight Cultural Indicators," Walll Street Journal, March 15, 1993.
11. William R. Mattox. Jr., "The Parent Trap," Policy review, no. 55, Winter,
1991, p. 6.
12. Juliet Schor, The Overworked American (New York: Basic Books, 1991), p. 29.
13. Lawrence Shames, The Hunger for More (New York: Times Books, 1989), p. 43.
14. Alan Thein Durning, "Redesigning the Forest Economy," in Lester R. Brown
et al., State of the World, 1994 (New York: W.W.Norton & Co., 1994), p. 36.
15. "Harper's Index," Harper's Magazine, March 1992, p. 13.
16. Durning, see note #14.
17. Alan Durning, Save the Forest: What Will It Take?, Worldwatch Paper #117
(Worldwatch Institute, 1993), p. 33.
18. Durning, see note #2, p. 164.
19. Durning, see note #7, p. 128.
20. Michael F. Jacobson, "Commercialism in America," address at a meeting of
the National Association of Consumer Agency Administrators, June 16, 1992.
21. Shames, see note #13., p. 147.
22. Durning, see note #2, .p 163
23. Betsy Morris, "Big Spenders: As a Favored Pastime, Shopping Ranks High
with Most Americans," Wall Street Journal, July 30, 1987.
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid.
26. Lena Williams, "Decisions, Decisions, Decisions: Enough!", New York
Times, February 14, 1990.
27. Jeremy Rifkin, Ed., The Green Lifestyle Handbook (New York: Henry Hold &
Company, 1990), p 54.
28. Sandy Bauers, "Study: Save Earthh; Have fewer Children," Philadelphia
Inquirer, January 17, 1990.
29. Morris, see note #23.
30. John Travid, Global Wellness Inventory (Mill Valley, CA: Wellness
Associates, 1990), p. 6.
31. Rifkin, see note #27, p. 11.
32. "Harper's Index," Harper's Magazine, October 1998, p. 15.
33. Jonathan Freedman, Happy People (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
1978), p. 167.
34. Ibid, p. 166.
35. Julia Lawlor, "Workers Want to Get a Life," USA Today, September 3, 1993.
36. Joni Balter, "Women and Work," Seattle Times, April 25, 1991 (data from
monitor survey by Yankelovich Clancey Shulman),
37. Janice Castro, "The Simple Life," Time, April 8, 1991, p. 58.
38. Denis Hayes, "Economic Power," Seattle Weekly, November 10, 1993, p. 15.
39. Bauers, set note #28.
40. Dianne Dumanoski, "The People Problem," The Boston Globe, February 5,
1990, citing Paul Ehrlich.
41. Peter A.A. Berle, "Beyond Rio: The Real Challenge," Audubon September-
October 1992, p. 6.
42. Durning, see note #2, p. 158.
43. Rifkin, see note #27, p. 33.
44. Durning, see note #7, pp. 27-8.
45. Durning, see note #2, p. 153.
46. Ibid, p. 157.
47. Durning, see note #7, p. 38.
48. The 1993 Information Please Environmental Almanac, compiled by World
Resources Institute (Boston & New York; Houghton Mifflin, 1993), p. 159.
49. The World Resources Institute, World resources, 1993-1993 (New York:
Oxford university Press, 1992), pp.320-21.
50. Sandra Postel, "Increasing Water Efficiency," Lester R. Brown et al,
State of the World 1986 (New York; W.W. Norton, 1986), p. 59.
51. Durning, see note #7, p. 148.
52. David Pimentel, panelist, "United States Carrying Capacity Overview,"
Carrying Capacity Network conference, Washington, D.C., 1993
53. Ibid.
54. Durning, see note #2, p. 160.
55. Pimentel, see note #52.
56. Gerald O. Barney, Global 2000 Revisited (Arlington, VA. Millenium
Institute, 1993), p. 31.
57. "Merrill Lynch Top Executives Address National Press: The Retirement
Savings Crisis," CMA Insights (A Merrill Lynch bulletin), July, 1992.
58. Charles Wolf, Jr. "Our Problem isn't So Much Borrowing," Wall Street
Journalist, September 28, 1984.
59. Fred R. Bleakley, "The Outlook: Taxes Will Go Higher; So Will Spending
Fail?", wall Street Journal, December 6, 1993.
60. "Record Number Going Broke," Seattle Times, September 5, 1991.
61. Stephen H. Dunphy, "Economic Memo: A Primer on Debt," Seattle Times,
march 29, 1992.
62. David Wallechinsky & Irving Wallace, The People's Almanac (Garden City,
N.Y.; Doubleday & Co., 1975), p 341.
63. Dana Milbank, "Hooked on Plastic: Middle-Class Family Takes a Harsh Cure
for Credit-Card Abuse," Wall Street Journal, January 8, 1991.
64. Mary Granfield, "Having It All in America Today," Money, October 1991,
p. 124.
65. John H. Cushman, Jr., "Bankrupt Individuals Are Fewer," New York Times,
June 28, 1993.
66. Rose Gutfeld, "Shades of Green; Eight of 10 Americans are
Environmentalists, At Least So They Say," Wall Street Journal, August 2,
67. Rifkin, see note #27, p. 13.
68. "Facts Out of Context' (citing Roper Center for Public Research),
In Context, No. 26, Summer 1990, p. 5.
69. William M. Alexander, Earth efficiency: is Community a Key? (Food First
Institute and Earthwatch expeditions, 1993), p. 13. (Data from population
Reference Bureau, 1993 World Population Data Sheet, and Government of
Kerala, Economic Review, 1992),
70. Pimentel, see note #52.
71. "Sustainability: The Global Challenge," ZPG Backgrounder (Washington,
D.C., Zero Population Growth)
72. Durning, see note #2, p. 157
73. Carol Hymowitz, "Trading Fat Paychecks for Free Time," Wall Street
Journal, August 5, 1991. (Figures based on research by John Robinson,
director of the Americans' use of Time Project at the University of
74. Lawlor, see note #25.
75. "More U.S. Students Pass Up the Buck," Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
January 28, 1991.
76. "Shoppers Are a Dwindling Species," Business Week, November 26, 1990.
77. Carol Smith, "More Seek Meaning in a Simpler Life," Seattle Post-
Intelligencer, February 25, 1994.
78. T. George Harris and Daniel Yankelovick, "What Good Are the Rich?",
Psychology Today, April 1989, p. 38.
79. Ramon C. McLeod, "Baby Boomers Seek `Meaning'," San Francisco
Chronicle, Februady 13, 1989.
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