- A Succinct Description of the single greatest barrier to a secure future.
A presentation by Stephen D. Mumford, PhD, on the Vatican.
- Cairo Conference Report and report by
U.N. International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).
Committee for the National Institute for the Environment - wealth of information. Also see their
population reference section - "to improve the scientific basis for making decisions on environmental issues".
- Contraception fact sheets
from Family Care International.
Also see Birth Control and Contraception links.
- Funding - see World Population Awareness Funding section.
- Costs of Raising Children report by U.S. News
- Demographic Updates from Population Reference Bureau.
- DESIP Demographic, Environmental, and Security Issues Project.
- Demography and Population Resources,
presenting information illuminating connections between environmental scarcity and political conflict.
- Emergency Contraception Pills article by
- Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential
- Ethnicity - Migration - Racism, University of Amsterdam. Includes information on hate groups.
Exponential Growth and the Rule of 70
explains that when things get bad, they get bad in a hurry!
- Funding, Accords, Politics, Legislation - see summary at
World Overpopulation Awareness
- Global Issues
Population at the Millenium - the U.S. Perspective
- Glossary of Census Bureau Terms, University of Missouri.
- Glossary of Key Population Terms.
- Glossary of Population Terms
by the Population Reference Bureau.
- Glossary of terms, including
demographic momentum.
- Glossary in the Language of Ecology
defines a number of ecological terms.
- Harvard Law School, Annual Review of Population Law
- Human Right to Family Planning
- Images of world population.
- Internet Resources for Demographers
- KZPG population web search results
Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health
offers population reports, publications, a searchable international database of organizations,
Popline - the world's largest bibliographic population database, and
a searchable database of Internet resources in population, health and development. Search popline and medical databases with
National Library of Medicine Grateful Med
- Library of Congress, Country Studies
- Office of Population Research, Princeton.
- Natural Resources Defence Council backgrounders - select population information.
Pennsylvania State University - Population Research Institute (PRI) offers a robust collection of links.
- Population Reference Bureau's PopNet,
a comprehensive source for global population information,
demographic updates, and
resources for journalists, educators, and interested individuals.
- Population Council references, links, and search engine.
- Population Communication Services, Johns Hopkins.
- Population Index a complete searchable database on population publications.
PopPlanet - information and country briefing books.
- Population Influences by Country, Religion, or Ethnicity - see summary at World Population Awareness,
including population pyramids.
- Population Institute Online Newsletter
- Population Policy: Consensus and Challenges
article on the 1994 Cairo conference
- Population Reference Center at the University of Michigan -
useful information and many links.
- Populated Related Sites
- Population Research Center - a major research center with online access to data.
- Population Research Institute The Pennsylvania State University.
- Research Paper
a large collection of topics, ideas, and assistance for school related research projects.
- Title X Facts ('Title Ten')
and Family Planning Facts
from National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association (U.S.). Also see this excellent description of
Title X from
The Alan Guttmacher Institute.
- United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN)
World Population Projections
- U.S. Historical Census Data Browser
- World Factbook
World Population Data Sheet annual, a wall chart from the Population Reference Bureau
provides essential information country by country.
Worldwatch Database
is fee-based, but robust.
WWW Virtual Library - Demography and Population Studies
- Links to census information, databases and data servers, other research sites, journals, and
Migration and Ethnic Relations.
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