- Pitkin County, Colorado, passes passes population stabilization resolution.
City of Aspen, Colorado, passes population stabilization resolution.
Numbers USA
Send a free fax to Congress!
This site presents facts and graphics which show that the constantly increasing congestion and sprawl in the US
are not inevitable. Congress has a choice of whether to create a future we really want.
Visit this site to find out how your own elected representatives have voted on the issue of mass immigration, and to them your opinion.
Also see
The Missing Population Angle - media stories that leave out U.S. population
growth and what you can do to teach the media how to count!
- Mass immigration accounts for
of U.S. Population growth!
Specifically, according to environmental journalist Roy Beck (www.NumbersUSA.com),
70% of U.S. poplulation growth in the 1990's
resulted from mass immigration, comprised of approximately 1.1 million legal
permanent additions and 300,000 to 400,000 illegal additions annually. Immigration will be responsible for 90% of America's population growth in the next 50 years.
- As its population soars, California's environment approaches a crisis, ENN article.
Sierrans for US Population Stabilization,
acting to return the Sierra Club to its traditional comprehensive U.S. population policy.
The high-tech H-1B foreign worker temporary visa program directly causes displacement and age descrimination of American workers, for the benefit of corporate interests. Although this is not directly related to U.S. overpopulation, it is a clear indication of a population/immigration policy gone awry. And once again, everyday Americans pay the bill for Congressional prioritization of corporate profits over American well-being and the future we are leaving to our children.
Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus
- working toward sound immigration policies for America
- American Immigration Control Foundation
PO Box 525, Monterey, VA 24465, 540.468.2022,
email: aicf at cfw dot com,
publishes monographs and books by respected authors and scholars on many aspects of immigration including history, law, culture and demography.
- Affirmative Action for Immigrants?
A site dedicated to the strange-but-true proposition that although Affirmative Action
was originally designed to right the wrongs of slavery, it is now being enjoyed by recent immigrants to the U.S. - a group never intended to benefit.
- Aztlan - the reconquered Western United States.
- Center for Immigration Studies "...to expand the base of public knowledge and understanding of the need for an immigration policy that gives first concern to the broad national interest."
Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS), U.S.
Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform - also contains links to other state-based organizations
DesertInvasion.us - destruction of our border wildlands
Diversity Alliance for a Sustainable America
is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the education of the media, policymakers and the public about the impact of population and immigration.
- English First
- The Federation for American Immigration Reform
is a national, membership-based, educational organization
working to educate the American public about the need
to reform our nation's immigration laws. Also see their
quiz and poll.
How Many Americans Can the Earth Support? by David Pimentel.
How Many People Should the Earth Support?
by Ross McCluney.
- IGC's Feature Article
addresses Linking Immigrants and Environmentalists for Sustainability and Justice.
IllegalAliens.US - correct terminology is paramount
- Immigration and Naturalization Service
- The Immigration Forum
serves to remedy lack of in-depth coverage of the overimmigration problem, by assembling a collection of articles on various aspects of overimmigration, written by specialists in the field.
- The Midwest Coalition to Reform Immigration.
High levels of immigration are being supported by the biggest Corporations and Foundations in America.
Yet every poll shows that 75% to 80% of Americans favor reducing mass immigration to more sustainable levels.
Migration Dialogue from University of California at Davis
promotes an informed discussion of the issues associated with international migration.
Population, Immigration and Global Ethics, a talk by Jonette Christian.
- Programmer's Guild
oppose increasing H1-B visas which are essentially a form of age discrimination in the U.S. computer industry.
ProjectUSA is a patriotic, grassroots organization dedicated to reversing America's disastrous immigration policy. ProjectUSA intends to buy billboards across the U.S. advertising the facts on immigration and stirring public debate.
- The Environmental Impact of Immigration into the United States by Jason DinAlt.
- The Environmental Impact of U.S. Babies by Charles A. S. Hall, Ph.D., R. Gil Pontius Jr., Lisa Coleman and Jae-Young Ko.
- The
Population-Environment Connection: Who Makes It?
lists migration and population positions of the leading U.S. based environmental and population
The Social Contract Press,
Petoskey, MI 49770, 800.352.4843, carries books and articles covering the facts, ethics and social consequences of U.S. overpopulation.
- Reining-In a Rogue Policy: The Imperative of Immigration Reform, Vernon M. Briggs, Jr., Cornell University, Cennter for Advanced Human Resource Studies
- Voice of Citizens Together focuses on legal and illegal immigration issues.