There are a number of other good Web pages on getting off junk mail lists.
See the following sites for helpful information and further details:
CAUCE is an organization dedicated to expanding the US "junk fax" law to cover e-mail spamming.
Join their effort!
Private Citizen's (800-CUT-JUNK)
information about the true purpose of DMA (Direct Marketing Association)
and what you can really do to get off mailing lists.
- The Lumber Cartel fights spam.
- SpamCop will automatically send complaints about spam for you.
- The Spam Recycling Center
is a consumer assistance site built in cooperation with CAUCE, FREE, and SAFEeps. It's a depository for netizens to send their spam. Spam is then forwarded to the FTC. You can also fill out a petition to Congress on spam.
- NetAction
tells you how to become an activist on the Internet. Also an interesting article
on the corporate battle for control of the Internet.
- - a good site.
- Doug Monroe's Privacy Info Source
has tons of information on how to contact credit bureaus, privacy issues, etc.
Check it out!
- See
- a great site.
Their purpose is to help you get off mailing lists.
You can fill out their JunkBuster form to publish the fact that you don't want junk mail.
- Do visit the Spam Patrol site.
- The Network Abuse Clearinghouse reports spam abuse for you.
- I Hate Spam! is a very well
written site.
- maintains an informative spam and junkmail website.
- Gary McGath's
page tells you how to detect e-mail header forgeries and avoid e-mail spam.
Boycott Internet Spam
site provides lots of info on spam, filtering e-mail, blocking an ISP, etc.,
and contains some interesting links.
- Ram Avrahami is in a
legal battle
over junk mailers selling his name.
Sign his petition regarding selling your name.
- Spam News page includes a Procmail filter and a discussion of how to trace spammers.
- Mark Eckenwiler's Just the FAX, Ma'am tells you
about privacy issues and the "junk fax" law.
- Network World published a nicely written
article on net advertising on 10/20/96. You have to "subscribe" to their web page
and then enter document #2802 into their "DocFinder" for the full text and links.
- Internet Scambusters newsletter.
- Stop Junk Mail and Netscape Secrets on browsing and privacy.
- Top Guru tells you how to get removed from search engine databases.
- Look into Russ-Smith's excellent Telemarketing and E-Mail Marketing
page, offering information on your rights under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act
(TCPA), as well as information on current lawsuits, and how you can join an
ongoing discussion list.
- Also see - a network of sites
that offer full privacy protection. Be sure to visit their
opt out page.
- BadAds fights ad clutter - even ads in space!
- Essays on junkmail by Michael Boyd Clark.
- The Junkmail "Recycle" Campaign asks you to return junkmail from one company to another, along with an explanatory flyer. An interesting idea, but it may not eliminate junkmail.
- Reduce the Hail of Unwanted Mail! - a nice page by Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance.
The Internet Consumer Recycling Guide
tells you how to recycle the junk mail you still receive, after following their
Do-it Yourself Guide.
Zero Junk Mail
Zero Junk Mail addresses the growing problem of intrusive marketing and
privacy loss in the Information Age. If you are tired of junk mail,
telemarketing calls, and SPAM go visit! For a $15 yearly fee, you can become
a member and they will help you get off junk mail and telemarketing lists.
If you don't have time to follow tips listed here,
you might indeed want to consider their service.
- is a fee-based service to help you eliminate postal junk mail.
- National Waste Prevention Coalition
- Karen's Koncepts Tired of Telemarketers
page has lots of links on how to deal with telemarketing calls.
Do check out Vince Nestico's
superbly crafted and informative site.
- Be sure to visit the
CAUSS website. CAUSS is a nation-wide network of citizens who remove ugly street corner signs.
Search Online - everything you need
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