Updated: 5 December, 2004 - many new links
EcoFuture's Guide to
Related Organizations and Projects
Here is a listing of the most useful organization links EcoFuture ™ has found on the 'net to date.
This page is validated and updated periodically. If you don't find the organization you are seeking here, try
EnviroLink's Organizations page.
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | X | Y |
"There is no doubt that a few committed people can change the world.
In fact, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
- A -
- Alliance to Save Energy promotes clean and efficient use of
energy worldwide
- Alternative Fuels Data Center
- American Environmental Health Foundation non-profit organization with the goal to further the practice of environmental medicine
- American Rivers dedicated to preserving and restoring America's river systems
- APC Association for Progressive Communications -- computer communication for folks working on environmental sustainability and related issues
- C -
- Center for a New American Dream is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals and institutions reduce and shift consumption to enhance quality of life and protect the environment
- Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology - CREST
- Centre for Alternative Technology an educational charity striving to achieve the best cooperation between the natural, technological and human worlds
- Catholics for a Free Choice have initiated a campaign to change the status of the Roman Catholic church in the United Nations from a country to a religion (NGO). Sign their postcard!
(Centralized here from other pages).
EcoFuture does not typically include commercial material, especially references to individual commercial sites. Here are a few directories of ecologically-oriented products and services:
- Best Foot Forward - a for-profit U.K. company that specializes in Ecological Footprint modelling
- Check Gallery prints exclusive check designs on recycled paper
- Earth Action Network - a small, non-profit, grassroots project
- Earth Day 2000 Corporations and the government understand the public's concern for the environment, yet the public has to sift through a lot of greenwashing to separate out what products and reforms are really green and which are not. Earth Day 2000 helps you to sort through the information and helps you to take truly sustainable personal and political actions.
- Earth Policy Institute - dedicated to providing a vision of an environmentally sustainable economy - an eco-economy
- Eco-Mall a directory of ecologically-oriented products as well as additional information
- Global Futures provides businesses with the tools and techniques that can help us make the leap to the new economy
- Green Dream Jobs
- Green Market online marketplace of sustainable living
- GreenSense resources for sustainable living, with a very good vision section
- Guardian a monthly newsletter detailing hundreds of environmental service trips on a national and international level - to actively protect, preserve and improve our planet for ourselves and our descendants
- Hemp information
- Land Stewardship promotes the resources, programs and services of other organizations in Alberta and across North America, aimed toward sustainable land-use, with a general store of environmentally-sustainable products.
- Simple Living Network helping you with appropriate life-style choice decisions
- The Organic Way Market showcases farms and businesses selling organic, natural and eco-friendly foods and products
- Vermont Soap - mildest on Earth
- Video Project a non-profit source for 250+ top-rated videos and multimedia programs for all ages on the environment, nuclear issues, global human rights, and related concerns
- Volunteers For Peace We are one planet. VFP provides programs where people can work together to help overcome the violence and environmental decay we face today.
Organizations whose purpose is to help communities in their efforts to preserve their environment
- Community & Environmental Defense Services (CEDS)
exists solely to help citizen activists and citizen groups win issues threatening neighborhoods and the environment
- Good Neighbor Project for Sustainable Industries supporting concerned plant neighbors and workers to promote pollution prevention at local industries and to prevent chemical accidents
- Mining-exchange helping people resist unsafe mining in their neighborhoods -- to subscribe, send an e-mail message to: majordomo@igc.apc.org with only the words: subscribe mining-exchange in the body of the message
- Right-to-Know network allows grassroots groups to gain a detailed understanding of toxic pollution in their communities
- Committee for the National Institute for the Environment "To improve the scientific basis for making decisions on environmental issues"
- Common Cause dedicated to US campaign finance reform.
- Conservation International promotes biodiversity conservation in rain forests and other endangered ecosystems worldwide
- D -
- David Suzuki Foundation projects find solutions to the root causes of our most threatening environmental problems
- Institute for Deep Ecology
Select Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) working in developing nations
- Africare develops water resources, food production, basic health services, emergency assistance and training in 32 African nations
- Doctors Without Borders / Medecins Sans Frontieres a private, non-profit, international organization providing medical aid to populations in crisis, without discrimination
- Operation Crossroads a private, non-profit organization which sends summer volunteers to serve in 35 African and 12 Caribbean countries. Volunteers must raise their own living expenses.
- Oxfam America funds disaster relief and self-help development projects carried out by indigenous groups
- World Neighbors working to eliminate hunger, disease and poverty in Asia, Latin America and Africa
- E -
- Earth First! no compromise, direct-action environmentalists
- EarthLinks - Colorado
is a non-profit experiential Earth education organization that reaches out to residents of the inner city and persons living on the margins of society broadening their experience the Earth
- Education for Sustainability
- Essential Organizations a list of essential environmental and public policy organizations
- Ecotrust to set new "bearings" that are economically and ecologically sound -- balancing understanding, conservation, economic development, and policy
- EnviroLink Network a grassroots online community that unites hundreds of organizations and volunteers around the world with millions of people in over 130 countries
- Environmental Working Group providing the US public with new, locally
relevant information on environmental issues in their own states, home towns and neighborhoods. Includes info on the anti-environmental movement and campaign finance reform.
- F -
- Fiber Futures promotes use of tree-free fibers
- Forest Action Network a grassroots organization with a network of activists and twenty-two organizations throughout British Columbia, North America and Europe.
- Forest Action Patrol provides rainforest, forest and biodiversity conservation news and information
- Forests Forever protecting the forests and wildlife habitat of California
- Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics "to forge a socially responsible value system for the Forest Service based on a land ethic which ensures ecologically and economically sustainable resource management"
- Four Corners Sustainable Forests Partnership links forests and communities in the Southwest
- Free Our Forests actively opposes Recreational Fee Programs
- Heritage Forests Campaign information and action. Despite what most people believe, more than 80% of our National Forests remain unprotected
- Native Forest Council formed by a group of business and professional people concerned about the quality of life in America.
Their Forest Voice newsletter by the Native Forest Council. The Summer 1997 issue is superb, and addresses the issues of natural economies and out-of-control corporations. See their map of declining forests.
- Rainforest Action Network ten years of rainforest action
- Save Americas Forests - nationwide campaign to protect and restore America's wild and natural forests.
- Seed Tree - to preserve and renew forest ecosystems by developing a sustainable human ecology
- TAIGA Rescue Network an international network of Non Government Orgnisations and Indigenous Peoples and Nations working for the protection and sustainable use of the Boreal Forests
- Trees for the Future initiates and supports self-help tree planting projects to help the environment and the local people
- Western Australian Forest Alliance dedicating to preserving Australia's forests
- Friends of the Earth International a federation of autonomous environmental organizations from around the world.
Also see Friends of the Earth, US
- G -
- Gaia Preservation Coalition
to explore and develop ways of reversing human activity by bringing about orderly negative growth in
both population and industrial throughput; a gathering point for people who have allowed
themselves to acknowledge the human predicament.
- Global Futures Foundation working to end business vs. environment conflicts and build lasting alliances on common interests
- Global Impact is committed to teaching the populous of the world about what needs to be done, what can be done, and what has been done to help correct the wrongs of society upon the earth
- Global Stewards provides resources for sustainable living and environmental activism, including tips, petitions, and calendars
- Green Brick Road resources and information for students and teachers of global and environmental education
- Green Burial Earth-friendly alternatives to coffins and cremation
- Green Parties of North America
- Greenpeace International and
GreenPeace USA work to ensure the ability of Earth to nurture all life. Also see their Get Active website
- High Uintas Preservation Council - preserving the Uinta mountains in Utah.
- I -
- IGC Institute of Global Communications - serving the environmental and progressive movements since 1986, parent organization of APC and EcoNet
- The Global ideas bank maintains a
Global Ideas Bank.
- International Arid Lands Consortium an independent, nonprofit research organization supporting ecological sustainability in arid and semiarid lands worldwide
- International Energy Agency
- Isaac Walton League of America is dedicated to protecting our nation's soil, air, woods, waters and wildlife
- Dancing Rabbit Project fifteen visionaries building a self-reliant town committed to environmental sustainability development
- FIC Fellowship for Intentional Community -- promoting intentional community living and cooperative lifestyles across North America
- Rainbow Family "of living light, world peace and healing, gathering of the tribes"
- International Rivers Network a global resource for all people who share our concern for protecting and restoring the world's rivers and ensuring respect for the rights of riverine communities
- IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature, aka World Conservation Union
- L -
- League of Conservation Voters
the bipartisan political arm of the environmental movement.
Also see their
VoteEnvironment website
- M -
- Macrocosm USA a nonprofit clearinghouse emphasizing peace, justice, environmental, and health solutions
- Media: Our Media Voice - challenges the mass media's limited coverage of the critical issues of our times
- N -
- National Centre for Sustainability (NCFS)
Native Peoples
- Natural Resources Defense Council dedicated to protecting the world's natural resources and ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all
- The Nature Conservancy
- Neahtawanta Research and Education Center working on issues relating to peace, community, sustainability, the environment and personal growth
- New Civilization Network "Exploring emerging new qualities of life on Planet Earth"
- O -
- O2 a network of industrial designers sharing ecological information
- P -
- Planet Ark a non-political organisation bringing about real change by educating the average person about ways that they can help the environment. Subscribe to their World Environment News daily mailing list.
Political Organizations and Information (U.S.)
Population / Overpopulation
- EcoFuture Population and Sustainability contains a comprehensive collections of links to other sites, reference material, books and videos.
- Also see Family Planning and Birth Control information
- Carrying Capacity Network Real Solutions for the America's Problems
- Negative Population Growth a U.S. organization offers extremely well-researched documents, and a strong membership base
- No Kidding! is an all-volunteer, non-profit social club for couples and singles who, for whatever reason, have never had children
- NumbersUSA is an excellent informative and action-oriented website, which documents the role U.S. Congress is playing in overpopulating the United States
- Optimum Population Trust, Campaign for a lower population in the UK
- Planned Parenthood one of the world's oldest and largest voluntary family planning organizations
- Population Environment Balance, a U.S. organization, works to educate and impress upon the American public and policymakers the adverse effects of population growth on the environment
- Population Institute of Canada
- Population Reference Bureau, a source for global population information, demographic updates, resources for journalists, educators, and interested individuals.
- Scientists for Population Reduction
- SUSPS (originally known within the Sierra Club as "Sierrans for US Population Stabilization")
- The USS3P - U.S. Sustainable Population Policy Project - EcoFuture Population and Sustainability - to develop and implement a coherent, fair U.S. population policy.
- Zero Population Growth Good training material, however, they are no longer dedicated to the concept of ZPG, but rather to simply slowing growth.
- Predator Defense Institute focuses on issues concerning the U.S. Northwest and California, and supports nationwide campaigns to save and protect all predators
- Project NatureConnect ecopsychology in action, nature activities, books and courses for wellness, spirit and deeper learning
- R -
- rat haus reality, ratical branch essential writings and arresting images which articulate a sustainable, life-affirming world -- a wonderfully wierd Web site
- Reclaim Democracy - dedicated to restoring democratic authority over corporations, reviving grassroots democracy, and establishing appropriate limits to the realm of corporate influence
- Rethink Paper focuses on reduction of paper and use of non-wood products
Regional Organizations
Organizations that focus on environmental aspects of a particular geographic area
- S -
- The Sacred Earth Network believes that humanity must quickly restructure its relationship with the miraculous living Earth. SEN supports and networks with environmentalists in the former Soviet Union, and espouses deep ecology
- Save Our Seas Hawaiian non-profit dedicated to ending ocean pollution
- Save the Earth Foundation funding environmental education,
raising funds from their ArtRock Auction
- Second Nature Software commercial screen saver and wallpaper programs with all profits donated to The Nature Conservancy and the Smithsonian Institution
- Sierra Club Home Page
a non-profit member-supported, public interest organization that promotes conservation of the natural environment
- The Simultaneous Policy is a peaceful political strategy to democratically drive all the world's nations to apply global solutions to global problems,
- Surfrider Foundation USA a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the world's waves and beaches
- The Earth Network "to support and empower people in building a more secure, equitable and sustainable future".
See their report,
Ranking the Ecological Impact of Nations
Sustainable Development
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
- Ecotrust is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building a conservation economy along North America's rain forest coast, the region from San Francisco to Anchorage
- IISDnet International Institute for Sustainable Development
- Linkages past and upcoming international meetings related to environment and development
- Redefining Progress is a public policy organization that seeks to ensure a more sustainable and socially equitable world for our children and our children's children
- The Natural Step is a non-profit environmental education organization working to build an ecologically and economically sustainable society
- UNDP United Nations Development Programme -- promoting social progress and better standards of life with greater freedom for all people
- UNEP United Nations Environment Programme -- informing and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations
- World Resources Institute - WRI a policy research center advising governments, international organizations, and private businesses on sustainable development issues
- Sustainable Growth - sorry, no such thing!
- Sustainable Building Sources
includes information on green construction and building
- U -
- Union of Concerned Scientists' addresses biodiversity, climate change, ozone depletion, and human population growth.
Play the Great Green Web Game on their website.
- W -
Wilderness, Wildlife and Biological Diversity
- American Wildlands a science-based activist and advocacy group preserving wildlands and wildlife in USA's Northern Rocky Mountain region
- ARRS Animal Rights Resource Site
- Aquatic Conservation Network dedicated to the conservation of aquatic life with a focus on freshwater fish
- Center for Conservation Biology
- Defenders of Wildlife
dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.
Their GREEN page (Grassroots Effectiveness Network) allows you to sign up for the GREENLines newsletter and action alert list - one of the best in the US!
- Desert Invasion US - how illegal aliens, drug runners and incursions by the Mexican army are destroying southwest American border wilderness areas
- Earth Island Institute organizational support for the conservation, preservation, and restoration of the global environment.
Also see Earth Island Journal
- Endangered Species Coalition
- Amazonia Gaia Forest Archives efforts to conserve the world's forests, biodiversity and indigenous cultures, emphasis on Papau, New Guinea
- Good Wood Alliance encouraging forest conservation through responsible wood use -- photos, articles, projects, and contact information relating to sustainably-harvested lumber and furniture
- International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) works to make oceans safe for dolphins, whales, and other marine mammals worldwide
- National Audubon Society working to protect birds by protecting their habitats.
- National Wildlife Federation USA's largest member-supported conservation group
- PETA People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals assert that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment
- Sea Shepherd Conservation Society defending the world's marine mammals
- Wilderness Society devoted to preserving wilderness and wildlife, protecting America's prime forests, parks, rivers, deserts and shorelands, and fostering an American land ethic
- Wilderness Society (Australia) an organization to preserve wilderness, protect wilderness, promote wilderness, and promote the rights of wilderness
- Wildlands Project and Wild Earth magazine, with a goal of restoring the ecological richness and native biodiversity of North America by creating a network of reserves that protects all native species and ecosystems
- Wildlife Habitat Council helps large landowners, particularly corporations, manage their unused lands in an ecologically sensitive manner for the benefit of wildlife
- Wildlife Society "Excellence in Wildlife Stewardship Through Science and Education.", with a goal of supplementing existing funding and promoting comprehensive wildlife conservation.
- WCMC World Conservation Monitoring Centre (try after 7PM Central Time)
- WWF World Wide Fund For Nature -- the world's largest private international conservation organization. Also see their Global Warming
- World Wildlife Fund Washington, D.C. headquarters -- international efforts to conserve diversity of life on Earth.
Sign up for their Conservation Action Network, where you can receive alerts and automatically communicate to US elected officials. Also see Year of the Ocean information
World Wildlife Fund - UK and their
CiberTiger web page
- World Society for the Protection of Animals the most widespread animal protection network in the world
- World Game Institute "...to make the world work for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone" - Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)
- World Resources Institute (WRI) "...to move human society to live in ways that protect the Earth's environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations."
- World Transformation " ...to make the world a better place, to see things in a positive light, to stand up for one's rights, to pursue self-improvement and greater freedom, to have fun and to learn new things about life, the universe and everything". This huge, top-rated site by Flemming Funch includes the New Civilization Network
- Worldwatch Institute " ... dedicated to fostering a sustainable society -- one in which human needs are met in ways that do not threaten the health of the natural environment or future generation."
- Y -
- Z -
- Zero Growth is dedicated to the promotion of the ethos of zero growth
Copyright 1995-2004 Fred Elbel. This material may be freely used and distributed only for non-commercial purposes, with credit.
Trademarks and copyrighted items remain the property of the owner.