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Information on Graphics
- Royal Frazier's info on animated GIFs
Good reference material.
- Color FAQ
A good technical reference on computerized color.
Everything from Photoshop to downloadable graphics!
Attractive site with graphics and graphics info.
- Doc Ozone's Hands-On
Photoshop techniques, tutorials. Good stuff!
- ColorSpace FAQ
FAQ about Colour and Gamma -
Technical color theory, gamma correction, and the math that goes with it.
- Victor Engel's Graphics Page
Excellent information on pallettes, and good links to graphics references.
- Design Elements
Color Palettes and Usage.
- Lynda's Homegurrrl Web Designers' List
Great technical info, downloadable palletes, etc.
Also offers a list server on web design.
- Mel's Pixel Place
Melissa's great graphics design page, with a comprehensive bookmark file!
- Microsoft's pallete color picker.
Easy to use!
- Optimizing Web Graphics
Includes very good color and pallette info.
- Andy's Art Page
original gif89 animations, buttons, and backgrounds, as well as Photoshop, JavaScript, and HTML tips.
- Cool Type
an excellent source for type effects in Photoshop.
- Death of the Websafe Color Palette?
- Infinite Fish
Photoshop tips, backgrounds, and a cool site.
- Adobe Photoshop Tips and Techniques
- Graphx design Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro Tutorials
- Photoshop Resources on the Web
- Photoshop resources by myJanee
- Nathaniel McKelvie'sPhotoshop Tips and Tricks
- Art. Lebedev's Tips and Tricks
- Photoshop Web Reference
A great site.
- Ventana Photoshop F/X Online Companion
- Royal Frazier's INTERcoNnEcTions
Good information, including animated GIFs.
- Some Building Blocks and Icons
From those great space scientists at NASA. Documentation, icons, links, patterns.
- Transparent and Interlaced GIF Info
Contains a link to lots of references on Transparent and Interlaced GIFs.
- The Designer Today
- The Web Developer's Virtual Library
- The World Wide Web-tools for aspiring web weavers
The web weaver's page. Includes good graphics stuff.
- WWW4: Not Just Decoration: Quality Graphics on the Web
An excellent paper on web graphics.
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Images You Can Download
Icons, Backgrounds, Clip art, etc. Some sites offer graphics from several
categories, so browse around!
- Animated GIFs
- Andy's Art Page
original gif89 animations, buttons, and backgrounds, as well as Photoshop and HTML tips.
- Animation and Clip Art Links
Some of the very best links.
- Animation Factory
30,000 animated images.
- Back Alley
Quality animated gifs, backgrounds, clip art, and more.
Everything from Photoshop to downloadable graphics!
- GeoCities animated GIFs
Good source of animated GIFs.
- Internet Clip Art Sources
- J. Boersma'sDigital Doodles
- MMMM animated GIFs
Another good source of animated GIFs.
- PixelSight
Source for icons, textures, etc. (registration required).
- Roger's Animated GIFs
800 animated gifs.
- Video Craft
A powerful animated graphics tool: Overlay, Stylize, Colorize, Distort, Morph, Transition, and Warp.
- Video Craft Banners
Make an animated banner!
- Backgrounds, Textures, Tiles, and Wallpaper
- Clip Art
- Mostly Icons
- Miscellaneous Images
- Ambient Creations stock photos.
- Art Today
1.2 million searchable images, clip art, fonts, audio, and more.
- Biz Cafe: Free Graphics
- Corbis Images
Images (photographs) for the professional.
- EyeWire
Reasonably priced images and illustrations. Also reference material.
- provides stock photos.
- Foto Search - 700,000 photos
- Free Stock Photos .com
- iStockphoto
Free stock photographs.
- Morguefile
Free photographs.
- stock photography by Philip Greenspun - search for photos
- PhotoDisc
Stock photos, no royalties.
- Photographic Information eXchange from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Pictures include energy, urban, and nature. Excellent collection!
- Photos To Go
Excellent collection of photos, fee based.
- Prospector
Free quality graphics and photos.
- Royalty Free Photos .com
Online Stock Photography agency.
- Royalty Free Photos from Norway and Scandinavia (fee-based).
The Ultimate Directory Of Gratis Software
Authoring & Web Design, Graphics software, Clipart,
Animation, WebTools, Windows, Music, Games, Education,
Business & Finance, Health, News, Special Recipes, Free
Web Developer Software.
- Miscellaneous Audio
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Filters, Actions, and Downloads
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Copyright 1995-2004 Fred Elbel. This material may be freely used and distributed only for non-commercial purposes, with credit. Trademarks and copyrighted items remain the property of the owner.