"The world faces not a preordained future, but a choice... the limits are real and close, and there
is just exactly enough time, with no time to waste. There is just exactly
enough energy, enough material, enough money, enough environmental
resilience, and enough human virtue to bring about a revolution to a better
world." - Donella Meadows, Beyond the Limits
- A -
Abbey's Web
dedicated to the life and works of author Edward Abbey
ADEOS (ADvanced Earth Observing Satellite) scientific data on worldwide environmental changes such as such as disruption of the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, tropical rain forest deforestation, and abnormal climatic conditions
The final consensus document produced in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by the June 1992
United Nations Conference on Environment Development (UNCED), also known as the "Earth Summit". This is the language international policymakers use to describe our present problems and their view of the solutions.
DOS hypertext version -- download agenda21.exe, a self-extracting, zip archive
A Critical Decision encourages citizens around the world to study and question the insidious and dangerous influences large corporations have obtained over democracy, technology, society, population growth, and the environment
Adbusters The shining hope for a revolution in human consciousness lies in the actions of everyday people. Excellent articles on sustainability, economics, and other interesting topics.
Corp-Focus is a moderated listserve which distributes the weekly column "Focus on the Corporation," co-authored the editors of Corporate Crime Reporter and Multinational Monitor magazine. To subscribe to Corp-Focus, send an e-mail message to listproc at essential dot org with the following in the message body: subscribe corp-focus <your name>
Integrity in Science seeks to safeguard science and the public welfare from the corruptive effects of industry's influence.
Correcting Anti-Environmental Myths anti-environmental myths are spread in a variety of ways, including right wing think tanks, "wise use" groups, political extremists, and public misconceptions. Here are resources which identify and correct these myths.
CPAWS Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - reference page with dozens of links
Creation Spirituality integrates Western spirituality, global indigenous cultures, and emerging scientific understanding of the universe
Our Ecological Footprint, a book by Wackernagel and Rees, cuts through the talk about sustainability and introduces a revolutionary
new way to determine humanity's impact on the Earth, and converts the seemingly complex concepts of carrying capacity, sustainability, resources use, waste disposal, and more into a graphic form that everyone can grasp and utilize.
Ecological Footprint Links
- an extensive list from Best Foot Forward
- a for-profit U.K. company that specializes in Ecological Footprint modelling. They also have an online discussion forum.
Florida Solar Energy Center nationally recognized for comprehensive programs in solar energy and energy-efficiency
NREL Data and Documents on alternative fuels, renewable resources and energy efficiency from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory of the USA federal government -- includes a database of publications and photographs
Solstice energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable technology from CREST
Green Building A Primer for Consumers, Builders and Realtors. Their links section also contains good references.
Enertia Environmental homes innovative new environmental homes and offices which are sustainable, and are energy producers rather than energy users. Although a commercial site, it addresses the emerging new practice of Environmental (sometimes called Sustainable) Architecture. A recommended site.
Oikos a wealth of information on efficient and environmentally responsible construction
If Not Now -
electronic democracy in action.
Helps you follow U.S. environmental and progressive issues,
send letters, monitor results, and make a difference!
Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update update the original World3 systems dynamics model for the 21st century. Environmental degradation is produced by the daily habits of billions of people living their lives. Therefore, to fight it, we must develop new habits and behaviors.
Mindwalk "Life on Earth is ... hopelessly out of balance. ... to address this at its roots will require more than public policy, regulation or legislation."
The Multinational Monitor tracks corporate activity, especially in the Third World, focusing on the export of hazardous substances, worker health and safety, labor union issues and the environment.
Mystical World Wide Web a collection and discussion of topics that are related to phenomena that science as yet cannot fully explain
Electronic Green Journal is a professional, refereed publication devoted to disseminating information concerning sources on international environmental topics.
Opinion Pages brings you Op/Ed pages from on-line newspapers and magazines in the US and around the world
PlanetArk, based in Australia, is home of Reuters Daily Environmental News
PlanetWire - a reporter's guide to international family planning issues
Sustainability Digest, a publication of Berea College, is a weekly compilation of current news items related to the sustainability of human communities at scales from local to global.
To subscribe, send an email to richard_olson@berea.edu asking to be placed on the mailing list
Ratville Times past-imperfect, present-intensive, and future-possible
Eating Fossil Fuels - Your biggest problem is not that your SUV might go hungry, it's that you and your children might go hungry. The US and Canada will soon no longer be the world's breadbasket.
There are now over 6 billion people on Earth. If you want a more precise estimate, check the
World Population Clock from the International Programs Center of the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Also see the running clock at
Allocating finite resources on a finite planet, article by John Cairns, Jr. presents a wealth of information on ecology, energy, and economy for a sustainable environment. This site is well worth a visit.
Enough already! - nothing can grow forever in a finite world
The Global Trajectorydiscusses global environmental change unfolding at an ever increasing pace
Northwest Earth Institute - self-facilitated discussion courses are taken informally by small groups
Opt Out America - The premise of the American Dream is unlimited growth in the consumption of energy and resources. However, growth cannot be sustained in the real world of limits. Consider what will happen when oil, natural gas, fresh water and topsoil all become scarce. The result is a recipe for the collapse of complex social systems. The question is not if, but when.
Amazonia Gaia Forest Archives - info on world's forests, biodiversity and indigenous cultures, emphasis on Papau, New Guinea
Gap Analysis conservation biologists explain a geographic approach to protection of biological diversity
Global Biodiversity Assessment this comprehensive, peer-reviewed, scientific report confirms the expanding human populations are driving species to extinction at a rate unprecedented in human history and "hundreds or thousands of times the estimated average background extinction rate"
Copyright 1995-2004 Fred Elbel. This material may be freely used and distributed only for non-commercial purposes, with credit. Trademarks and copyrighted items remain the property of the owner.