- BIAS: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News, Bernard Goldberg; Regnery Publishing, 2002 (232 p). Goldberg, an old-fashioned liberal, clearly shows how the media repeatedly ignores their primary mission of objective, disinterested reporting. He blows the whistle on the media and shows how they slant coverage while insisting that they're just reporting the facts.
Coloring the News: How Crusading for Diversity Has Corrupted American Journalism, William McGowan; Encounter Books, 2002, ISBN 1-893554-28-7 (278 p). McGowan thoroughly examines the premise of newspaper reporters and editors that promoting 'diversity' in the newsroom has produced better reporting and journalism. Instead, quota hiring and 'diversity' reporting practices have discouraged good journalism in favor of biased, one-sided journalism. The overview section alone provides excellent insight into the pervasive problems resulting from the misguided emphasis on 'diversity' reporting today.
- Ecoviolence: Links Among Environment, Population, and Security, Thomas F. Homer-Dixon and Jessica Blitt (Ed.); Rowman & Littlefield, 1998, ISBN 0847688704, (256p, $17).
- Ever Since Adam and Eve: The Evolution of Human Sexuality, Malcolm Potts, Roger Short; Cambridge Univ Press, 1999, ISBN 0521644046, (365p, $24).
This book is a fascinating exploration of biological and behavioral aspects of sex. It roams across history, cultures and species, giving examples of strange phenomena that dramatically illuminate important principles.
- Human Population Competition: A Study of the Pursuit of Power Through Numbers, Jack Parsons; Edwin Mellen Press, ISBN 0773483721 (Vol. 1), ($199); ISBN 0773483748 (Vol. 2), ($109).
- The Demographic Struggle for Power: The Political Economy of Demographic Engineering in the Modern World, Milica Zarkovic Bookman; Frank Cass & Co, 1997, ISBN 0714642827, ($25).
- The Life of the Creative Spirit, H. Charles Romesburg; Xlibris Corporation, 2001, ISBN 1-4010-0257-9, (377 p, $23).
This book describes the importance of quality and excellence in daily life, with examples pertaining to a wide range of endeavors from the artist to the mechanic. The final section contains hundreds of credos from famous and well known artists, writers and scientists, and is worth reviewing again and again. (Also see the excellent Amazon review).
The author has noted that "for a society to be fully creative it must compassionately treat all living creatures... Cruelty on the everyday plane upsets the ability to work well on the creative plane. This argument is based on the oneness of the aesthetic and the moral, and of the artistic imagination and the humanistic imagination." The author also notes that the book is "for people interested in creative work. I didn't write it with the population issue in mind. When I got toward the end, I realized that some of the ways to a more creative society can only be achieved by having relatively few people."
- The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History, Howard K. Bloom; Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997, ISBN 0871136643, (480p, $12)
This revolutionary book covers the entire span of human history and explores the relationships between genetics, human behavior, and culture
to develop the thesis that "evil" is a by-product of
natural selection and is integrated into our basic biological nature.
The Spirit in the Gene: Humanity's Proud Illusion and the Laws of Nature, Reg Morrison, Lynn Margulis; Comstock Publishing Associates, 1999, ISBN 0801436516, (286p, $19),
Chilling, eye-opening, essential reading.
This book puts the entire human predicament in perspective.
It clearly explains how we got to the point of six billion people on a
small, fragile planet and why we are unable to stop ourselves from
multiplying our way into a disaster. Reg Morrison has done his
research and the conclusions he draws, while not pleasant, make
a lot of sense. Highly recommended.
- Thought Contagion: How Belief Spreads Through Society, Aaron Lynch; Basic Books, 1999, ISBN 0465084672, (208p, $12),
(review and discussion).
Thought contagions are beliefs that select for their own
spreading--ultimately affecting entire societies. By their strong effects on how we live, such beliefs secure self-propagation by influencing most areas of the society in which we live. A major part of the book is devoted discussing how high fertility religious memes are propogated.