- Biron - the U.K. Data Archive's Online Catalogue and Subject Index to over 7000 datasets.
- Census Data
- Basic Tables: 1990 Census from university of missouri - St. Louis, and
1990 U.S. Demographic Profile Generator
- Data Library, University of California, Berkeley contains 1990 U.S. Census summary files.
- Data Library, Simon Fraser University, CA., includes Canadian census data.
- India Census - including population clock.
- Office for National Statistics, U.K.
- Population links, which includes National Statistical Offices and Census Bureaus, and international data.
- Population Pyramids by country. (See this excellent PRB
lesson on population pyramids).
- Population Reference Bureau (PRB).
- U.S. Census Bureau - also see
U.S. Census page.
- American Fact Finder:
easy access to population and housing facts, data search, and easily-customized maps.
- Census CD Blocks,
U.S. Census Bureau - census information on CD (fee based).
- County and City Data Book, U.S. Census Bureau.
- Current Population Survey
- Data Access - Spreadsheet, with projections to 2050.
- Data Browser, U.S. Census Bureau.
- Data Extraction System
- Facts & Figures
Census summary information from
- Historical National Population Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau.
- Historical U.S. Census Statistics on the Foreign-born Population of the United States: 1850-1990
- International Database from U.S. Census Bureau.
- Metropolitan Growth and Expansion in the 1980s, paper describing MAs and MSAs.
- Place and County Subdivision Population Estimates
Population Clocks - U.S. and world, and
Projections - growth rates.
- Projected State Populations, by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1995-2025
Projections to 2050, low, medium, and high.
- CIESIN China Dimensions includes a variety of socioeconomic data.
- Council of European Social Science Data Archives - Europe, plus North American and other archives. Clickable image map navigation.
- Data Archive, University of Essex, U.K.
- Data Library, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
- Demographics - population links, which includes National Statistical Offices and Census Bureaus, and international data.
- Demographic and Health Surveys
a primary source of information on women, men and their families in Africa,
Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Demographics and Statistics - a wealth of demographic data.
- Demographic Data Viewer and
Global Population Database
from Center for International Earth Science Information Network
- Eurodata Research Archive, Mannheim University.
- Eurostat, providing European statistics.
- Fedstats
- search for statistics from 28 Federal agencies.
- Global Statistics, Johan van der Heijden; The Netherlands.
- Government Information Sharing Project includes demographic information.
Graphics and maps
- Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, University of Michigan
- Internet Resources for Demographers
- Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health.
- Latin American Demographic Centre, Chile
- Manchester Information Datasets and Associated Services
- Measure,
from United States Agency for International Development,
provides accurate and timely information on population, health, and nutrition in developing countries.
- Medistat Health and Population Statistical Database, National University of Singapore.
- Mexican Migration Project, University of Pennsylvania.
- National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Infomatics, Mexico.
- OECD Statistics, Paris.
- Office of Population Research, online demographic resources.
- Penn World Tables include information on population, consumption, investment, GDP, etc.
- Photoshare,
A collection of international photographs relating to reproductive health activities and many other subjects.
Population Reference Bureau (PRB).
Selected graphs and explanations from their educational section include:
Other useful PRB sections and articles include:
- Population Council data sources.
- Population Data Sets of Mexico
- Population Reference Bureau - Data Sites for 50 U.S. States, and
1998 World Population Data Sheet with projections to 2010 and 2025.
- Population Reference Center, University of Michigan, resources and
data archive.
- Princeton University Data Archive
- Public Data Queries, Inc.
developing tools to provide leading edge technology for interactive online analytic processing (IOLAP) to users of very large census and survey data sets.
- RAND Data from Developing Counties links to other sources.
- Social Science Data Archives, Australian National University.
- U.S. Immigration Numbers from Scientific American
- United States Urbanized Area from Public Purpose,
contains comprehensive data for U.S. Urbanized Areas Over 1,000,000: 1950 to 1990.
- Software
- State Demography Departments - U.S.
- State Profiles: The Population & Economy of Each U.S. State (State Profiles, 1999).
- Statistical Resources on the Web, University of Michigan.
- Statistics Canada
- Social Science Data Analysis Network (SSDAN) provides "user friendly" U.S. Census data for classroom use.
- The Data Archive, University of Essex, UK.
- United Nations Environmental Programme - Population Grid
United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN)
- World Bank Living Standards Measurement Study household surveys have become an important tool in measuring and understanding poverty in developing countries.
- World Fertility Studies, by University of Wisconsin - Madison.
- World Population Prospects - Analyzing the 1996 UN Population Projections, and
Population Projections to 2100
- World Facts
- WWW Virtual Library - Demography and Population Studies
- Links to census information, databases and data servers, other research sites, journals.
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