The graph
- Quick Facts
- Population Facts
Audubon population and environment counters
"The destruction of the natural world we see across the globe today is 'fallout' from the human population explosion that has occurred over the course of the last 50 years.
The world is at a critical juncture.
While birth rates have fallen in many countries and regions, demographic momentum means we are now adding a record number of people to the world's population every year. At current birth rates the population of the world will double in the next 50 years. If that happens, countless creatures already pushed to the edge, may pass into extinction."
How Many Americans Can the Earth Support? by David Pimentel.
How Many People Should the Earth Support?
by Ross McCluney.
- Requiem, a
comprehensive website on population, economics, energy, and sustainability issues.
- Is There A Population Problem?
by Albert A. Bartlett
- As its population soars, California's environment approaches a crisis, ENN article.
- Family Planning Salon article, June, 2002: "The zealots behind President Bush's U.N. family planning sellout":
"The result of Bush's freeze [on international family planning assistance] has been a reduction in medical services to women worldwide. According to the UNFPA, in Bangladesh, where 67 percent of pregnant women receive no medical care, programs to train doctors to deal with pregnancy complications will be put on hold. In Vietnam, according to UNFPA field worker Tran Thi Van, a program to train 4,000 health workers in reproductive issues and to provide medical equipment and drugs to 500 remote clinics is in jeopardy. In Kenya, where the UNFPA has been working with the Catholic Church to prevent teenagers from getting AIDS, the church's request to expand the program will probably have to be rejected. Overall, UNFPA's funding shortfall is $52 million, because some other countries failed to meet their contribution targets due to financial constraints. The agency estimates that the lack of resources will result in 3 million unwanted pregnancies, 7,140 maternal deaths and, ironically, 1,215,000 abortions."
"I am convinced that some political and social activities
and practices of the Catholic organizations are detrimental
and even dangerous for the community as a whole, here and
everywhere. I mention here only the fight against birth
control at a time when overpopulation in various countries
has become a serious threat to the health of people and a
grave obstacle to any attempt to organize peace on this
planet." [Albert Einstein -- letter, 1954]
- Estimated number of women who want contraception but lack access to
any form: 100 million.
Estimated number who want contraception but lack access to
adequate contraception: 350 million.
- Exponential Growth and the Rule of 70
explains that when things get bad, they get bad in a hurry!
- a web site complete with extensive references and several email discussion lists
dedicated to stopping population growth.
Also see KZPG's current population facts.
- The U.S. Sustainable Population Policy Project (USS3P) -
to develop and implement a coherent, fair U.S. population policy. Your organization is
invited to cosponsor USS3P.
- Emergency Contraception -
and Emergency Contraception Hotline, 888-not-2-late or 800-584-9911 (U.S.).
Additional information:
Consortium for Emergency Contraception
(also see Birth Control links).
- Is There a Local Angle In Population Stories?
a presentation by Ben Zuckerman.
- Population Graph and Population Timeline from the Ice Age to now.
- Population projections to 2100 from the U.S. Census Bureau, show U.S. population doubling this century - practically within the lifetimes of children born today.
- Population Momentum: The powerful impact of population momentum and Deconstructing mopulation momentum.
(Also see momentum factors
and decreasing population momentum.)
- U.S. Census Population Topics and
World Population Information.
- Sierrans for US Population Stabilization (SUSPS),
promoting traditional Sierra Club comprehensive population policy.
- World Overpopulation Awareness an excellent and comprehensive web site, focusing on global population issues.
- World population -
the world's Population Clock
keeps on ticking.
- Scientists Say Future is in the Balance
- Solutions
"Anyone who believes that exponential growth can go on forever in a
finite world is either a madman or an economist."
-Kenneth Boulding
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