- Amazing Environmental Organization
Web Directory - Population Links,
a substantial collection of links and organizations.
- A Flu from Hell to reduce human numbers.
Baby Think It Over Program - a robot baby is used to learn what it's
like to care for an infant. This is the award-winning education program used for teen pregnancy
prevention and parenting education.
- Birth Control and Contraception
- Childless by Choice and
Hispanic Magazine article.
No Kidding,
Childfree Web Ring, and the discussion
To Breed or Not to Breed.
- Confronting the Population Crisis - responses to 21 most commonly used arguments to confound the issue.
- CUSP, a truly comprehensive Congressional environmental scorecard that also includes votes that affect future U.S. population numbers.
- Demography - interesting facts, maps, information.
- FFAQ list
Frequent Falsely Answered Questions
- Gaia Preservation Coalition
to explore and develop ways of reversing human activity by bringing about orderly negative growth in
both population and industrial throughput; a gathering point for people who have allowed
themselves to acknowledge the human predicament.
Garrett Hardin Society
- Gumption Trust -
insight on the world's problems and what to to next.
International Society of Malthus
- Learning Tools - Population Growth
Links2Go - population links -
demographics -
demographic data -
census data -
- Malthus -
a web site encouraging thought along Malthusian topics - conservation, population, and limits.
- Nothing Can Grow Forever in a Finite World
includes good material, and a list of pseudo-environmental organizations.
- Migrations in History by Smithsonian Institution.
- One Child World Pledge
- Population Coalition
- Quinacrine Nonsurgical Sterilization
- Ronald Regan's Legacy
During Reagan's presidency he systematically dismantled programs that provided birth control services to the poor.
- SIECUS disseminates information, and promotes comprehensive education about sexuality,
and advocates the right of individuals to make responsible sexual choices.
- The battle within the Sierra Club on how to deal with population and
related immigration issues.
Six billion Human Beings
An superb interactive exhibit from the Musee de l'Homme.
www.SprawlCity.org presents new reports using Census Bureau data to show how population growth strongly relates to sprawl.
- Stop Overpopulation
- quite an interesting page, also offering free population material.
- Taboo Breaker
- interesting and readable.
- The Rubber Tree safe-sex online store.
- To Breed Or Not To Breed
- Todd's Bulldozer Page
- population growth is the source of all of our environmental problems.
Tragedy of the Commons
very worthwhile reading.
- VHEMT has some interesting information on biology and breeding.
World Overpopulation Awareness
- an excellent website on the consequences of worldwide overpopulation, including reference material, articles, and a news feed.
- if the world were scaled down to a village of 1,000 people
For more information on general environmental directories and links, see:
EcoFuture Directories
Dishonesty and denial on the Web - a listing of websites that publish disinformation on ecological issues, including
www.overpopulation.com/ and
Population Research Institute.
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