Action-Oriented Organizations
- Alan Guttmacher Institute, U.S.
"There are over 3 million 'unintended' pregnancies a year in the U.S."
- American Humanist Association - Human Population Growth, U.S.
- American Immigration Control Foundation, U.S.
- Audubon Society Population and Habitat page, U.S.
- Australians for an Ecologically Sustainable Poulation, Australia.
Bay Area Coalition for Immigration Reform, U.S.,
believes immigration is good in concept, but that current immigration policies are not working.
- California Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, U.S.
- California Coalition for Immigration Reform
Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS), U.S.
- Canada First focuses on Canadian immigration reform, Canada.
Carrying Capacity Network, U.S.,
addresses overpopulation and sustainability and produces the
superb Focus journal.
- Catholics for a Free Choice
have initiated a campaign to change the status of the Roman Catholic church in the United Nations from a country to a religion (NGO). Sign their postcard!
- Centre for Development and Population Activities, U.K.
Center for Immigration Studies 1815 H St. N.W., Suite 1010, Washington, DC 20006, U.S.,
202.466.8185, email msk at cis dot org.
- Communications Consortium Media Center, Washington, D.C., U.S., develops media packages for population issues and specifically for Year 6 Billion.
- Diversity Alliance for a Sustainable America
is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the education of the media, policymakers and the public about the impact of population and immigration.
- EngenderHealth, improving womens' health worldwide. Formerly AVSC, promoting access to voluntary and safe contraception, U.S.
- Facing the Future
dedicated to informing young people about the problems of increasing world population.
- Federation for American Immigration Reform, U.S.
- Floridians for a Sustainable Population, U.S.
- Georgia Overpopulation & Sustainability Coalition, U.S.
- Georgians for Sustainable Population Policy, U.S.
- Marie Stopes International, U.K., to ensure the fundamental human right of all people to have children by choice not chance.
- National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, U.S.
- National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, U.S.
- National Optimum Population Commission, U.S.
- National Wildlife Federation population page, U.S.
- Natural Resources Defence Council, U.S. -
backgrounders - select population information.
Negative Population Growth, U.S.,
offers extremely well-researched documents, as well as a
daily news feed
New Hampshire Citizens for Sustainable Population, U.S.
- Oregonians for Immigration Reform
Pathfinder International, U.S.
- to improve world-wide access to quality information and services on
reproductive health and choices.
Planned Parenthood, U.S.,
is the world's oldest and largest voluntary family planning organization.
Visit their online source for
sexual and reproductive health information.
- Population Action International, U.S.
- Population Coalition, U.S. -
sustaining a quality life for all on this planet is the most
significant issue we face today.
- Population Communications International, U.S., used to produce international soap operas containing population themes, but dropped them because funders refused to support them.
- Population Concern
a U.K. based organization working in partnership with local organisations in less developed countries to provide information, education and services relating to sexual and reproductive health.
- Population Connection, formerly ZPG, U.S. -
an established organization, originally dedicated to Zero Population Growth, now has a rewritten mission statement which supports sustained population growth and deliberately ignores 70% of U.S. population growth - mass immigration. (Although they do have excellent educational materials).
- Population Council, U.S.,
is a nonprofit research organization seeking to improve well being and
reproductive health, and to help achieve a sustainable balance between people and resources. Includes references, links, and search engine.
Population Environment Balance, U.S.,
works to educate and impress upon the American public and policymakers the adverse effects of population growth on the environment.
- Population Institute, U.S.,
Every member of every future generation will be directly affected by what you do now. They also post
late-breaking news.
Population Media Center, Shelburne, VT, U.S., email: pmc at populationmedia dot org, 802.985.8156. Population Media Center focuses on removing the cultural and informational blocks to achieving lower family size, incorporating soap operas as the centerpiece of their strategy.
- Population Services International, U.S.
- Population Stabilization Project
is an educational effort designed to promote discussion and debate of the issues related to global population growth.
SUSPS - Sierra Club members for U.S. Population Stabilization, U.S., encourage the Sierra Club to readopt their traditional comprehensive U.S. population policy.
See the must-read article,
The Environmental Movement's Retreat from Advocating U.S. Population Stabilization.
- Sierra Club, U.S., population page.
- Stop Overpopulation, U.S.,
is part of an international group that helps to alert people about the global problem of overpopulation.
- Society for Human Population Control, based in Palo Alto, CA, U.S.
US Sustainable Population Policy Project (USS3P), U.S., to achieve a coherent and fair population policy for the United States.
- War Prevention Institute, U.S. - The Importance of Diffusing the Population Bomb.
- World Population Balance, P.O. Box 23472, Minneapolis, MN 55423 U.S.
612-869-1640, email: WPBdPax at tc dot umn dot edu
WorldWatch Institute, U.S.,
focusus on global problems and trends, including overpopulation and sustainability.
Chapters include:
ZPG Boston and
Seattle with running
population counter.
See the must-read article,
The Environmental Movement's Retreat from Advocating U.S. Population Stabilization.
Non-Advocacy Research Organizations
- Canadian Population Society
- Center for International Health Information , U.S.
serves under contract as the health data reference bureau for the Population, Health and
Nutrition Center (PHNC) of USAID's Global Bureau.
- Center for Population Research - National Institute of Health, U.S.
- Center for Social and Demographic Analysis , University at Albany, State University of New York, U.S.
- Committee on Population, U.S.
established by the National Academy of Sciences to bring the knowledge and methods of the population sciences to bear on major issues of science and public policy.
- Committe for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography,
a non-governmental organisation to develop cooperation amongst national population research centres. (UN, France).
- Contraceptive Research and Development Program, under a grant from
U.S. Agency for International Development
- Demographic and Health Surveys Program, U.S.,
assists institutions in collecting and analyzing data on population, health, and nutrition.
- National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Population
- National Bureau of Economic Research, U.S.,
is one of nine Centers for research on the demography and economics of aging funded by the National Institute on Aging.
- Population Association of America, U.S., is a professional organization established to research problems related to human population.
- Population Association of New Zealand
The Population Reference Bureau , U.S.,
is a nonprofit, nonadvocacy, educational organization. It was founded in 1929 and is America's oldest population organization. They provide
a comprehensive source for global population information. Unfortunately, recently they have strayed from providing factual population information and now focus their magazine on Politically Correct social issues.
- RAND Corporation, U.S.,
Population Research Center and
Labor and Population Program, with
Population Matters publications.
- Urban Institute, U.S.
- U.S. Border Control, dedicated to ending illegal immigration.
International Organizations
- Cairo Demographic Center, Egypt.
- Census Bureaus List
- Centre for African Family Studies, Nairobi.
- CEPED, Paris.
- Danish Center for Demographic Research, Denmark.
- European Association of Population Studies
- Family Care International
is dedicated to improving women's sexual and reproductive health and rights in developing countries.
- Family Health International
focuses on health and family planning.
- Foreign Government page, Northwestern University has links to foreign government websites.
- Fundación Mexicana Para la Planeación Familiar - Mexican Family Planning Association.
- Institut National D'études Démographiques, Paris.
- International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh. Includes fertility and reproductive health.
- International Institute for Population Sciences,Deonar, Mumbai, India.
- International Planned Parenthood Federation
links national family planning associations in 150 countries.
- International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
- Japanese Organization for International Cooperation In Family Planning
- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany.
- Mexican Institute for Family and Population Research, Mexico.
- Migration Research Unit at University College London.
- Migrations Société, France.
- National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
- Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- Population Investigation Committee, London, U.K.
- Consortium for Emergency Contraception includes
reproductive health.
- Population Services International - dedicated to improving the health of low-income people worldwide.
- Statistical Agencies, a list of International agencies and census bureaus, compiled by the
U.S. Census Bureau
- Sustainable Population Society, Canada. Discusses and explores the issues pertaining to sustainable human population growth. (Excellent website).
- Union for African Population Studies
- United Nations
- Scalabrini Migration Center, in the Phillipines,
studies human migration and refugee movements from and within Asia.
- World Health Organization (search for "population").
- WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs
U.S. Government Organizations
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Census Bureau and
projections. The
International Programs Center strengthens statistical development around the world.
- Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs
- National Center for Health Statistics (U.S.)
- USAID Population, Health and Nutrition (PHN), U.S. -
programs focus on family planning, child survival, prevention of HIV/AIDS and
other sexually transmitted infections, maternal health and nutrition, and health
system reforms.
- U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform
Created by the Immigration Act of 1990; Dissolved in December 31, 1997.
University Research Organizations
- Austrian Academy of Science Institute for Demography, Austria
Australian National University, Demography and Population Studies (WWW Virtual Library), Australia
- Bilkent University, Turkey
- Brown University, U.S.
- Centre d'Estudis Demogragrave;fics, Barcelona, Spain
- Centre for Population Studies, London School of Hygiene,
focuses on population trends in Britain and Europe and demography of developing countries, U.K.
- Chulalongkorn University, College of Population Studies, Thailand
- Columbia University, Center for International Earth Science Information Network, U.S.
- Cornell University Population and Development Program, U.S.
- Duke University Center For Demographic Studies, U.S.
- East-West Center Program on Population, Honolulu, HI,
focuses on the Pacific and Asian region., U.S.
- Federal University of Minas Gerais, Center for Regional Development and Planning, Brazil.
- Flinders University, Australia
- Florida State University Center for the Study of Population -
population publications., U.S.
- Harvard University Center for Population and Development Studies, and
Population and Family Planning, U.S.
- Helsinki University, Finland.
- Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies, Turkey
- Humboldt University, Berlin.
- Indiana University Population Institute for Research and Training, U.S.
- Institut de Démographie, Université Catholique de Louvain
- Interface Demography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels.
- International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
Johns Hopkins
Population Center - School of Hygiene and Public Health
and Center for Communication Programs, and
a searchable database of Internet resources in population, health and development. U.S.
- Louisiana Population Data Center, U.S.
- Mahidol University Institute for Social and Population Research, Thailand.
- Oxford Population Project at University of Oxford, U.K.
- Peking University Institute of Population Research, China,
Pennsylvania State University - Population Research Institute (PRI)
including working and research papers, and a robust collection of links. U.S.
Princeton University, Office of Population Research
includes fertility research data. U.S.
- Seminari D'estudis Sobre La Poblacio del Pais, Spain
- Sir David Owen Population Centre, U.K.
- Stanford University, Morrison Institute for Population and Resource Studies
- Stockholm University Demography Unit, Sweeden.
- Syracuse University Center for Policy Research
and Center
for Demography and Economics of Aging, U.S.
- Demographic Studies Centre, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona.
- University of California at Berkeley, Department of Demography and
Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging, U.S.
- University of Chicago, Center
for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture
and Population Research Center
(associated with the National Opinion Research Center), U.S.
- University of Colorado at Boulder, U.S.
- University of Costa Rica Central American Population Program, Costa Rica
- University of Dundee, Scotland
- University of Exeter, U.K.
- University of Groningen , The Netherlands
University of Michigan Population Studies Center, U.S.
- Université de Montréal Département de démographie, Canada.
- University of North Carolina Population Center, U.S.
- University of Pennsylvania Population Studies Center, U.S.
- University of Southern California Population Research Lab, U.S.
- University of Texas at Austin Population Research Center
provides international census information., U.S.
- University of Umeå, Sweden, includes a Demographic Database.
- University of Waikato Population Studies Centre, New Zealand.
- University of Washington Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, U.S.
- University of Western Ontario, Population Studies Centre, Canada
- University of Wisconsin Center for Demography and Ecology, U.S.
- Utah State University Population Research Lab, U.S.
- Western Washington University Demographic Research Laboratory, U.S.
Additional Lists of Research Organizations
For more information on general environmental organizations, see:
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